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School Management system (VB.Net Free Source Code Download)

DESCRIPTIONS Free source Code for School Management System Developed with VB.Net, download and follow the instructions and enjoy your coding Category:Education Applications Lisence:Free Size:16 MB


[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daKsjj6KYm8&t=553s[/youtube] The Full project Source Code for the Church management System, Read the Instructions and enjoy yourself 1. First you need MSServer 2008 R2 installed to be able to run the database 2. attach the database file to the server included in the Zip File 3. Change the connection string of your database in the connetion.vb file in the solution explorer 4. You you need to run the system on a network where many computers can connect, you need to create a firewall rule that allows the database though the port server. Comment bellow if you need any more clarification Version 1.0

Download JQWidgets

jQuery Widgets for PC, Mobile and Touch Devices What is jQWidgets? jQWidgets represents a framework based on jQuery for building web-based applications that run on PC, Touch and Mobile devices. jQWidgets includes more than 60 UI widgets. jQWidgets is not a modified version of the jQuery UI toolkit. All widgets are designed from ground-up and based on a powerful common core. The framework core provides fundamental capabilities like support for widget extensions and inheritance, widget settings, internal event handling and routing, property change notifications, device and browser compatibility detection and adjustments. Works across devices and browsers jQWidgets takes the JavaScript & HTML UI development to a new level. It is platform independent, cross-browser compatible and works on PC and mobile devices. Don’t spend time testing on different devices and browsers. Use a reliable, CSS compliant JavaScript library based jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.The product supports all major desktop and mobile web browsers – Edge, Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+, Google Chrome, IE Mobile, Android, Opera Mini, Mobile Safari(IPhone, IPad). jQuery dependency and compatibility jQWidgets has a dependency on the jQuery library. jQWidgets is tested and compatible with all jQuery versions from jQuery 1.7.0 to jQuery 3.2.0+. We are committed to supporting all new versions of jQuery and ensuring the highest level quality. At present, we highly recommend that you use jQuery 1.11.1. This version is stable, high quality, and works well with a large number of popular devices and browsers. It is ideal for enterprise web applications […]

VerySimpleXML (a lightweight one unit XML reader & writer) v2.0.1

VerySimpleXML is a lightweight, cross-platform, one-unit XML reader/writer for Delphi 2010-XE7. Use it for small well-formed XML files (like configuration files, interprocess communication protocols, etc.). What’s new in version 2.0? Support for these nodes types: ntElement (default node type), ntComment (comment nodes), ntDocType (Document Type Definition, but not parsed/evaluated), ntText (text only nodes), ntCData (CDATA sections), ntProcessingInstr (processing instructions) Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, Mac OSX, iOS and Android compatible Support for headless xml files Reduced memory consumption Allows now processing of large xml files without line breaks Node content is now read exactly as found (including line breaks) Case sensitive/insensitve node and attribute name handling (use doCaseInsensitive option) Write UTF-8 files with or without BOM (doWriteBOM option) Support for attributes without values (single attribute type) Support for the Delphi “nextgen compiler” and weak references for ARC Added a lot of TXMLDocument compatible methods Support for parsing the ntProcessingInstr nodes (processing instructions) Support for Windows, Unix and even custom line breaks Improved fluent interfaces version 2.0 Xml := TXmlVerySimple.Create; // Create a new XmlDocument with default encoding “utf-8” //Xml.Encoding := ‘utf-8’; // A more convinient way to change the encoding //Xml.Header.Attribute[‘encoding’] := ‘utf-8’; // is still valid // Add a new child node, the first child node is the DocumentElement Xml.AddChild(‘books’); // Add a new book node to the document root Node := Xml.DocumentElement.AddChild(‘book’); Node.Attributes[‘id’] := ‘bk103’; Node.Text := ‘A book’; Xml.SaveToFile(‘test.xml’); Xml.Free; Supported XML node types ntElement (default node type) ntComment (comment nodes) ntDocType (Document Type Definition, but […]

BeTheme Free Download For WordPress 21.6

BeTheme Theme 21.6 Overview betheme 21.6 wordpress theme comes with a 500+ pre-made website so you can easily import any demo website within seconds at a 1 click. Betheme is one of the highest-selling themes with the best support and regularly update, more than 2 lakhs plus customers are already used theme. betheme is the lightweight theme that comes with lots of features and customization options, so it’s not compatible with amp, but still, it’s the highest-selling theme because of the beautiful responsive layout and features. Why use BeTheme? 500+ pre-made websites: Modify and adapt websites or build from scratch, Import any template from 500+ template directory and modify it to depends on your requirements or else you can design your layout with muffin drag and drop page builder Muffin Builder: Build complex layouts quickly with the Muffin Builder it’s the drag and drop page builder comes with many customization features. Create headers using pre-defined layouts or the Header Builder Features of BeTheme Theme 1 click website installation Powerful admin panel Fully customizable Responsive and retina ready Short code generator Built-in mega menus One page Parallax effect and video background Unlimited menus Layout configurator 1 click skin generator Custom font uploader Custom css and js Seo compatibility Visual icon selection Unlimited sidebars Maintenance mode and the blank page Unlimited google maps styles Unlimited colors Custom widgets Child theme Lifetime updates Optimized for speed Works perfectly with all browsers Built-in translator and multilingual ready Rtl ready BeTheme Compatible Plugins: Betheme compatible […]

Divi Elegant Theme Free Download Premium 4.4.4

Divi Theme 4.4.4 Overview Divi is the best theme by elegant with beautiful and easy to use features, Divi theme is come with visual page builder and unlimited designing possibility. Divi theme is powered by Divi page builder is help to design everything from front-end so you can build anything visually. Divi theme is provide best features like real time design, just click and type, you can customize everything, mobile friendly responsive editing, you can organize row and column easily with automatically fit together features, 46 content elements, import export, almost zero loading speed, and 20+ Premade layouts. More then 576,000+ customers are using Divi, Divi Theme Lifetime Licence Key User: cabhal API: ea3688a183314df46706ab1f87d457d61acc8d54 Divi Theme Features In-line Editing Draggable widths Customize UI Instant Content Responsive Editing Easy Navigation SEO Optimized In built Ad Management Features Drag and Drop Create and save own divi layouts Release 4.4.4

Download Appeon PowerBuilder Maintenance + CRACK

what is PowerBuilder ? PowerBuilder empowers you to build faster, better, business apps for Windows, iOS, and Android. Develop visually using proven technology standards. Deploy device, OS, and DB agnostic apps. Who knew building data-rich cloud apps could be this easy? A Visual IDE PowerBuilder is a simple, intuitive, and visual-driven IDE to rapidly develop client/server or cloud apps. Cloud App Architecture You can use PowerBuilder to build pure or hybrid cloud apps that are powered by REST Web APIs with a microservice architecture. Programming Languages It supports PowerScript as the native client programming language and C# as the server programming language. .NET Technology Server-side programming is powered by the .NET Core, which is Microsoft’s open-source, cross-OS, high-performance .NET framework. All server runtime libraries are 100% managed code. Powerful Data Access DataWindow technology makes data access and manipulation simple and easy no matter developing client/server or cloud apps. Web & Mobile Deployment Together with PowerServer, you can quickly deploy your projects to both web and mobile using a universal code base. Major New Features PowerBuilder 2019 brings C# Web API & assembly development to PowerBuilder with the productivity that is the hallmark of PowerBuilder. PowerScript client app development is revamped with new UI technologies and cloud architecture. Desktop Modernization PowerBuilder 2019 modernizes the user interface and architecture of PowerScript client apps. UI Themes transform the look and feel of your application in a codeless fashion. And a comprehensive suite of Web API client and security features transforms the architecture of […]


This is a perfect system for your small Savings and Loan Business that will help you do almost everything you need to run your company successfully. We are into customization so don’t worry, just get in touch with us and let’s talk about it. Click below to start your demo For Admin Access use: Username: admin Password: admin For Agent Access use: Username: agent Password: agent

How to solve Parameter 1 to wp_default_scripts() expected to be a reference

Don’t panic if you see this type of error. despite the fact that this error will not popup if there is nothing wrong with you wordpress blog or site, there is still a chance for you fix it as if nothing just happened. Okay now let’s fix. Quickly log into your server through your FTP and let’s open some couple of files with extreme care in order not to break anything. 1. Open your wp-config.php file and paste the below code at the bottom of this file define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false ); @ini_set( ‘display_errors’, 0 ); 2. Open your functions.php file in your theme’s directory ie …/wp-content/theme/function.php and paste the below code at the bottom of this file function warning_squelch_wpe(int $errno , string $errstr , string $errfile , int $errline , array $errcontext) { if(strstr($errstr, “expected to be a reference”)) { return true; // squelch matching warnings } // allow normal handling for non-matching warnings return false; } set_error_handler(“warning_squelch_wpe”, E_WARNING); 3. Last thing Open your config.php file in your site directory and paste the below code at the bottom of this file #custom heartbeat – stop the warning from WPE # see https://www.thetwopercent.co.uk/solved-warning-parameter-1-to-wp_default_scripts/ define( ‘WPE_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL’, 15 ); All done now try the magic reload of your site to see if the issue still persist. if yes please let me know in the comment below i will help you to fix this issue.


[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0rlzj9LHhM&t=2544s[/youtube] This project is the upgraded version of the desktop school mangement system version 1.00. it comes with Biometric feature, Time table generator, SMS services etc… To find out more


[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKSJnTQT_ys[/youtube] The Full project Source Code for the School management System, Read the Instructions and enjoy yourself

How to create a custom Header widget in wordpress

Have you ever felt the need to create your own custom header element and position it at any place of your choice in the header section of a WordPress blog or website ? If your answer is yes then don’t go anywhere yet. your answer might be right here. let’s go straight to it. NB: MAKE SURE YOUR ARE CONVERSANT WITH EDITING YOUR WORDPRESS THEME FILES IF NOT YOU MIGHT BE LOOKING FOR A PLUGIN TO DO THIS MAGIC WE ARE ABOUT TO PERFORM. 1. Kindly open your theme function.php file and paste the code right below it and save. Please make sure you find no errors whilst saving your file. function wpb_widgets_init() { register_sidebar( array( ‘name’ => ‘Custom Header Widget Area’, ‘id’ => ‘custom-header-widget’, ‘before_widget’ => ”, ‘after_widget’ => ”, ‘before_title’ => ”, ‘after_title’ => ”, ) ); } add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘wpb_widgets_init’ ); The code above will automatically create a hook in WordPress to register a custom widget for you. to access this widget you can move to appearance menu on your left and click on Widgets ie. Appearance>>>Widgets. In there you will see the newly created custom widget as the same name above. Custom Header Widget Area. Now add whatever you want to display in the custom header section of your site. 2. You will not be able to see the newly created header if you don’t complete the magic by implementing the below code in the the theme’s header.php ie. This could also be a custom header […]

Microsoft Office Word Tutorial Part 2


Microsoft Office Word Tutorial Part 1



‘FIRST METHOD Dim dbconnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(“Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\ED-CARLOS\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\save\save\Info.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True”) dbconnection.Open() Dim statement As String = “SELECT Name FROM [Details] WHERE Name='” & TextBox5.Text & “‘;” Dim com As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(statement, dbconnection) Dim read As SqlDataReader = com.ExecuteReader If read.Read Then If TextBox5.Text.ToString read(“Name”) = True Then MsgBox(“Record found”) End If Else Dim a As String = “No record found” MsgBox(a) End If dbconnection.Close()